OpenSource CaptchaSolver

Open Source Tool in Java for many systems, see screenshot.
Support für Text-, Mouse- and Confirm-Captchas.
Windows,Linux,Mac: Download, Mirror, Screenshot, Source

Instructions & Conditions

  • All software, plugins or offers section shown on should be downloaded, purchased and/or used at your own risk. can't be liable for the suitability, reliability, availability, delivery time and accuracy of the software listed.

Intructions to use our captcha service with the software:

See our helpsite.


Other information:

Your software has the api? Or it works with our captcha service? Then contact us!
See our Helpsite, API and Extended API for more information.

Developer? Then we have a offer for you, if you will integrate our service with your software then we will share 10% of all incoming captchas from your software. Request a DEVID for your software. We also can generate discount codes for our service, please send us a message and we will generate it.