
Here you can find instructions, videos and further help with the service. Please keep in mind that a solved standard captcha costs 10 credits.


Please upgrade to JDownloader 2!
JDownloader 1 has no core updates since 5 years.

Please generate as user a new API Key in the settings at and click under "One-Click API Key" on JDownloader and copy the key,

Jdownloader 2 (headless)

Installation without gui like server with Debian Linux and Oracle Java:
Or with OpenJDK:

Then you can use the webinterface from jd2:

Jdownloader 2 (gui)

The guide is available as a video.

Preferred method:
Please under Settings => Captcha => => Edit => "Enter Api Key" set the API key and click under "Enable Service" on "Text Captchas" + "Mouse Captchas".

If necessary delete Build.json in the JD2 installation, restart JD2 and update JD2 if the setting is not yet found.

Alternative method:
Please under Settings => Advanced Settings => Captcha9kwSettings: apikey set the API key and click on Captcha9kwSettings: enabled + Captcha9kwSettings: mouse. Set CaptchaSettings: Captcha Dialog9kw Timeout to 900000
CaptchaSettings: Captcha Exchange Services should be enabled.

If necessary delete Build.json in the JD2 installation, restart JD2 and update JD2 if the setting is not yet found.

Or as video

Another option:

Timeout and alerts:
Adjust the low value. Default is 600s (600000ms) in JDownloader 2 and not 60s (60000ms).

A solution might look like as a default timeout (timeout):

If like "othertimeout" then use the tab "blacklist / whitelist":

More information:
- Browser Loop/Solver
- Bad google captchas and Recaptchas

See under plugins "JDownloader".

